Tuesday 7 May 2013

Trees in Black and White


No Photoshop, no colour, just light and trees!

   Shots taken in Formby on 7.5.2013

A Tree

a tree that once stood alone
a tree that was unstable
and not very strong

a tree that didnt have much of a chance
for a tree for noone did understand

a tree that was so affraid to let go
for that reason
that tree never learned to grow

a tree that never felt the warmth of the sun
or made shadows in the moon
for a tree who could seem to never
blossom into something new

a tree with branches that snapped
with thunderstorms and hurricanes
beating on its back

a tree that never grew up to be all it could be
i wonder what was holding these tree back from
its dreams

Destiny Tatum

The beauty of trees reignites the passion!! 


  1. I wise choice Noreen, the only true subject. You have captured the feel of Formby, it is quite a unique location. My only criticism is number 7 is a little grey and the last one a little contrasty. You ave an excellent set of images here Noreen - well done. Unfortunately you wont make your fortune out of trees - the voice of experience :)

  2. Money is only dust John, Trees last longer
